Organizational chart

Organizational chart

The FMA's organization encompasses the Board of Directors, the Executive Board, four supervision divisions, Operations, Financial Stability and Strategic Affairs.

The Banking Division supervises banks and investment firms, payment institutions, and e-money institutions.

The Asset Management and Markets Division supervises asset management companies, investment undertakings (funds), and their management companies.

The Insurance and Pension Funds Division supervises insurance undertakings, insurance intermediaries, pension schemes, and pension funds.

The Anti-Money Laundering and DNFBP Division is responsible for money laundering supervision and supervises professional trustees, persons according to 180a Act, auditors, patent lawyers, and other financial intermediaries.

Strategic Affairs includes Legal/International Affairs, Communications, Regulatory Laboratory/Financial Innovation, and the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

Financial Stability includes Macroprudential Supervision and Resolution. The department for Resolution, amongst others, is tasked with drawing up resolution plans. It is authorized – having regard to the resolution objectives – to apply the resolution tools and to exercise its resolution powers. It exercises its functions operationally independent from the FMA’s other organizational units.

Operations provide the cross-divisional services of Finance and Human Resources, Information and Communication Technologies, Infrastructure, and Reception.