Mason Privatbank Liechtenstein AG in Liquidation - Lapse of licence

The Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority (FMA) was informed by the liquidators of Mason Privatbank Liechtenstein AG in Liquidation that the banking services of Mason Privatbank Liechtenstein AG in Liquidation have been closed in accordance with Art. 3 Banking Act (BankG) since 30 October 2023. This means, among other things, that Mason Privatbank Liechtenstein AG in Liquidation no longer holds any deposits or other repayable funds. Since this date, the FMA's authority to supervise the liquidation is also limited to compliance with the objectives defined in Art. 4 Financial Market Authority Act.

The license of Mason Privatbank Liechtenstein AG in Liquidation to operate a bank has lapsed on 15 March 2021 pursuant to renunciation in writing in accordance with Article 27(1)(c) BankG (see announcement of the FMA). Since then, the FMA had supervised the liquidators and the liquidation.

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