Rules and guidance

This section presents those laws, regulations, administrative rules and general guidance that have been adopted by Liechtenstein to implement Directive 2013/36/EC and Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as well as the standards on the structure and format of the information to be disclosed, which were endorsed by the EU commission in mid 2014.

List of templates

  • Part 1: Transposition of Directive 2013/36/EU

  • Part 2: Model approval

  • Part 3: Specialised lending exposures

  • Part 4: Credit risk mitigation

  • Part 5: Specific disclosure requirements applied to institutions

  • Part 6: Waivers for the application of prudential requirements

  • Part 7: Qualifying holdings in a credit institution

  • Part 8: Regulatory and financial reporting

In case you need to have a comprehensive overview of rules and guidance adopted by the supervisory authorities in different Member States, please view EBA Rules and Guidance.


List of templates

FMA-Supervisory Disclosure Rules and Guidance